Sunday, June 17, 2012

Heath Slater Talks Wrestling Vader On RAW, His Future More

WWE wrestler Heath Slater joined Washington Redskins defensive end Adam Carriker and Chuck Carroll on this week’s “4th & Pain” — the only pro wrestling show hosted by an NFL player. Here are some highlights.

On what it was like to face Vader: I guess it was bittersweet, you could say. Growing up watching him I was scared to death and I had to get in the ring with him. I’ve been trained and everything and it’s like the only thing I’ve ever remember him by is destroying people, as you can see he pretty much destroyed me, but we don’t really have to talk to in on that . . . it was one of those things, he’s like 6-5, close to 400 pounds and here I am 6-3, 230 looking good, but the fact of the matter is he’s a mastodon of mayhem and I’m just the southern rock band trying to play a tune on his head and I just couldn’t get my tune right.

On if Vader has lost a step: Honestly, he can still hit as hard as he could. And judging by the people...

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